Denver Divorce Attorney

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Denver, CO Divorce Attorney

Divorce is often an incredibly difficult experience. Though it’s becoming increasingly common, the process has not become any less emotionally taxing. Divorce is not just about ending a marriage; it is about restructuring your family and restarting your life.

Though the process can certainly be intimidating, it’s important to know that there are ways to reduce the amount of stress that your family experiences. Not all divorces are contentious or dramatic, and it’s possible to complete the process with your dignity intact.

The key to a smooth divorce is having an experienced Denver, CO family law attorney on your side. Though some people believe that they can navigate their divorce alone, this is almost never the case. Even the most amicable divorces required an experienced legal hand to oversee and negotiate the terms of the divorce. Without professional assistance, you’re likely to encounter unnecessary challenges and issues.

Kinnett & Cordes: Your Denver Divorce Attorneys

When it comes to family law, no firm is more capable than ours. We focus only on family law cases, which gives us focused experience in divorce law. By honing our experience in one area of law, we are able to provide comprehensive advice to your family and ensure the very best legal counsel.

For many years, we have been helping Denver families restructure and adjust during the divorce process. Through mediation and/or litigation, we can ensure that your divorce is fair and the terms appropriate for your situation. When you work with us, you can be sure that you have the best family law representation in the Denver area. No other firm has our level of niche experience and expertise in this field.

What Does a Divorce Involve?

Many people understand the concept of divorce, but they don’t fully understand what the process entails. During the divorce proceedings, you will be discussing a myriad of issues with your spouse or their lawyer. These discussions will outline the privileges of both you and your spouse and give you an idea of what your life will look like once the divorce is finalized.

It’s important to understand what’s involved in a divorce so that you can mentally and emotionally prepare yourself for the process.


When you get married, you agree that your assets will become the marital property of both you and your spouse. Signing a prenuptial agreement is the only exception. Divorce proceedings, therefore, determine how those shared assets should be subsequently divided between you and your spouse.

Your attorney and your spouse’s attorney will help to divide assets fairly, so you both retain some assets after your divorce. Sometimes, this involves selling assets and dividing the profits. In other situations, this can mean allotting certain assets to one spouse and the rest to the other, provided their combined values are equal.

This process can be complex because everything is subject to division. Sentimental items are not immune, and without proper legal help, you can easily lose things that mean a lot to you. The process becomes even more complicated if you and your spouse have significant assets or own a business together.


If you have children, you will need to make decisions concerning their care and well-being. Allocation of parental rights is one of the most emotional parts of a divorce because it requires both parents to see their children less frequently than they may desire. In some situations, child support is also necessary.

In allocation of parental rights, parenting time, and support proceedings, the judge will only consider the well-being of the child. Your thoughts and opinions will likely take a backseat as the court assesses what arrangement will be best for your children.

Spousal Support

Finally, divorce proceedings may involve spousal support, AKA spousal maintenance, negotiations. These usually come into play when one spouse makes significantly more money than the other. In these situations, the attorneys will negotiate a sum that the higher-earning spouse will pay to the lower-earning spouse. This money helps to bridge the gap between marriage and single life for the lower-earning spouse and ensures that they have what they need to build a new life. These rarely last forever; usually, spousal support agreements last for only a few years.

Why Do I Need a Denver Divorce Attorney?

Your possessions, children, and lifestyle are all at stake, which means you could potentially lose out on essential support if you don’t have an attorney. Without help, your spouse and their attorney can easily take advantage of you and ensure that you get very little in the divorce outcome.

A Denver divorce attorney can help you to navigate the complicated divorce process and ensure that you get what you deserve in your settlement. Legal representation provides essential support during this complicated time.

Divorce Mediation

Many people don’t realize that full courtroom legal action is not always required in a divorce. Though your divorce will need to be approved by a judge, the process of deciding the terms of your divorce can be done in mediation. In this situation, you and your spouse will sit down with one mediation attorney. We will discuss all the necessary areas of your divorce and help you negotiate a settlement. This saves time and money and can be more civilized than litigation.

Woody Law: Your Denver Divorce Law Firm,

Here at Kinnett & Cordes, we offer comprehensive divorce services for you and your spouse. Whether you are looking to divorce via mediation or litigation, we can help you traverse the process fairly and civilly. We have a deep understanding of the challenges of divorce, and we are here to help make the process more palatable for all involved.

For more information about our experience in the field or how we can help you, reach out online today.

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